1. Introduction
Electricity distribution and transmission require the use of power transformers, so they are vital and strategic components of any electric power system [1–4]. It is known that the failure of power transformers can produce significant economic losses related to its reparation or replacement as well as financial losses compensations required by consumers [4,5]. The life span of transformers is basically determined by physicochemical, electrical and mechanical characteristics of their insula- tion system [6,7]. This insulation system generally consists of two types of materials, liquid and solid [8]. In power transformers, solid insulation is frequently based on cellulose which is used in different forms (paper, press-board...). The most common is Kraft paper, a mix of 78–80% cellulose, 10–20% hemicellulose and 2–6% lignin [9]. This paper is the main solid insulator for the winding conduc- tors. As insulator, the dielectric paper is a material that avoids the flow of electric current among conductors. Solid insulation is impregnated with dielectric oil which is also used as cooling medium [10]. In the case of a 150 MVA transformer it may contain as much as 80 tons of oil and up to 30 tons of paper. This insulation system under operational conditions suffers electrical, thermal, environmental and mechanical stress due to the presence of traces of air and water which worsen electrical properties of paper and oil [5,11]. Although, oil can be easily reclaimed or substituted this will not extend the cellulose’s life [2]. For this reason, the degradation of cellulose-based paper determines the useful life of a power transformer [12]. Cellulose degrades slowly but inevitably losing its mechanical properties [13] due to the breakage of glycosidic inter-monomer bonds in the polymer which reduces the chain- length [14]. Failure occurs when the mechanical strength of the paper decreases to the point where it is brittle and liable to damage by mechanical movement.
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